That each child is happy, safe and is provided with excellent opportunities in all aspects of school life in order to fulfil their potential.
We are finely attuned to the impact of the global COVID19 pandemic coupled with the ethos and principles of the Curriculum for Wales – with the four purposes at the heart of all that we do.
We aim to develop the pupils of Laugharne Church in Wales School as:
•ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives.
•enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work.
•ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world.
•healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society (mental health and wellbeing is pivotal to our vision following the global pandemic)


In light of our Christian values, we will promote:

•Kindness – We will always be sensitive to every child’s needs. We will demonstrate acts of kindness and nurture the children to display kindness and consideration for others in their everyday lives.
•Perseverance– We will teach the children to be strong and to have a growth mindset. We will convey that, through building on prior knowledge and taking small steps, it is possible to achieve in all aspects of life.
•Courtesy – (Mathew 22 v34-40) “Love your neighbour as yourself.” Staff will treat children in the way that they would expect them to treat others. All pupils will be fairly treated, and they will be expected to demonstrate courtesy to each other and the wider community.
•Respect – All children will be encouraged to be respectful citizens- towards people, property and resources. Children will be taught to be guided by the core Christian values. Pupils will have the opportunity to understand that people’s beliefs and values may be different and that these should be respected.
•Honesty – We will encourage the children to always be honest and truthful in life.
The school community will work hard to promote an ethos of excellence in all aspects of school life and beyond.

Click here to apply for your child’s place at our school through Carmarthenshire County Council’s admission pages or scan the QR code below.

 Admission guide for parents available here..